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Many people turn off their AC units when leaving the room in an attempt to save on their electric bill, but there are benefits to leaving your AC unit running at a slightly higher temperature. Here are some of the benefits:

Benefit #1: Turning the thermostat up protects your home from mold/bugs

Turning off your air conditioner can cause your home’s indoor humidity levels to soar. Two gross intruders who love humidity include Mold and Bugs.

You see, your air conditioner doesn’t just cool your air, it also dehumidifies it. So when you turn your AC completely off, it won’t take long for the humidity in your home to soar to upwards of 60%, which is ideal for mold growth and bug infestations.

High indoor humidity can cause condensation, leading to mold growth throughout your home.

But if you turn the thermostat up 7 to 10 degrees, your AC will kick on every once in a while to control the indoor humidity and maintain a healthy humidity level between 45%-55%.

Benefit #2: Turning the thermostat up keeps you comfortable

No one loves coming home to a humid, stuffy house. But that’s what you’re setting yourself up for when you turn your AC completely off.

Instead, turning your air conditioner’s thermostat up 7 to 10 degrees will help manage the indoor humidity and will keep temperatures at a tolerable level.

So you can stay comfortable and save money at the same time.

Benefit #3: Turning your thermostat up saves you money

Turning up the thermostat 7 to 10 degrees for 8 or more hours a day can save you 10% on cooling costs.

When you raise the thermostat, you decrease the difference between the outside and the inside temperature, which lowers your AC’s workload, saving you energy.

An example of how you might raise your thermostat to save money:

6 AM: Wake up and get ready for work.

7 AM: Raise the thermostat from 68 to 78 before leaving the house.

6 PM: Lower the temperature back to 68 when you get home.

Think about investing in a programmable thermostat, which can change the temperature automatically for you.


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